Warranty Registration (HFC)

Please complete the form below to register your ice flaker. 

Completing the form accurately will confirm the proper settings assuring optimum operation and long trouble free service. 

If you prefer, you can click on the attached form download it then return the completed form via email or fax.

if you have any questions, please contact our service department:



1000-SCAE Registration Form

Registration Form (HFC) 1-Phase
Registration Form (HFC) (Espanol) 1-Phase
Registration form (HFC) (French Canadian) 1-Phase

Large Capacity Registration Form 3 Phase
Large Capacity Registration Form (Espanol) 3 Phase 
Large Capacity 2-Circuit 3-Phase

Large Capacity 2-circuit 3-Phase (Espanol)

Registration Form (R744)

Registration Form (ammonia) 1 Phase
Registration Form Ammonia (Espanol) 1 Phase

Registration Form (Ammonia) 3 Phase
Registration Form (Ammonia) 3 phase (Espanol)

When completing any of the above special selections, please make sure you save the PDF form before sending to Howe via fax or email.

For most general models (HFC's, single phase, remote or rack connected), you can complete the form below. you can refere to one of the PDF forms for clarification if needed. 

Enter Serial Number for Ice Machine
Enter todays date, or date of start up (if not today)
Are the photo eyes installed and tested to turn on & off the ice flaker?
Is ALL the ice harvesting off the entire evaporator (top to bottom) on each rotation of the ice blade?
Is the Condensing Unit Supplied by Howe

Contact Info

773-235-0269 (sales fax)
773-235-1530 (corporate fax)

howeinfo@howecorp.com (general)
howeMX@howecorp.com (Mexico)
(Central America)
parts@howecorp.com (parts)

All shipping & Receiving must check in the rear of the building:
1641 N. Besly Ct.

Howe Offices

1650 N. Elston Avenue
Chicago, IL 60642