Mobile Express Ice Bins
Mobile Express 1 Cart Bins

Mobile Express Ice Bins
Mobile Express 1 Cart Bins
Howe CP750 Mobile Express ice bin is constructed with stainless-steel exteriors and polyethylene liner. The bin top includes patented factory mounted ice level control boxes which are integral to the ice bin top to insure proper alignment, provide greater protection as well as external access to photo eyes.
- Howe single bay mobile ice storage bin systems.
- Modified systems are available upon request to meet your custom needs
- Includes one CP200H Cart
- Optional CP200W White cart
- Optional CP200PS stainless-steel cart with Polyethylene liner.
- Optional CP200SS stainless-steel cart with stainless-steel liner.
Mobile Express Bins Specifications
Width (in/cm)
Depth (in/cm)
Height (in/cm)
Number of carts
Bin Interior

- Bin Brochure 10-17.pdf

Special coved interior corners are available for all stainless steel lined bins for use in food manufacturing facilities