
Standard Upright Shovel-Out Ice Bins • Upright Style Pouch Front Bins


Standard Upright Shovel-Out Ice Bins • Upright Style Pouch Front Bins

Howe model 1000SS upright ice storage bins are constructed with stainless-steel sides top and front, with standard polyethylene or optional stainless-steel liners. Ice bin tops are structurally reinforced and insulated. Tops include a condensate drip pan (for RL model ice flakers) and patented factory mounted ice level control boxes which are integral to the ice bin top to insure proper alignment and provide greater protection, as well as external access to photo eyes.

  • Optional coved corners on stainless-steel lined models
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Upright Bins Specifications

Width (in/cm)
Depth (in/cm)
Bin Interior
Stainless Steel

Upright Bins Specifications

Height (in/cm)
Dimensions guide
  • Bin Brochure 10-17.pdf
Technical Downloads

Special coved interior corners are available for all stainless steel lined bins for use in food manufacturing facilities.